Content First - the content counts!
Der Content First-Prozess
For simple websites, it is often sufficient to define what type of content should be displayed; this should be done using 5-10 actual examples. Specific examples could be 5-10 complete articles (for magazine websites) or products (web shop) with all relevant metadata such as categorisation, tags, author, publication date, etc.
For more complex systems with multi-layered content formats and extensive structures, it is recommended to take an even more organised approach and divide the process into three phases:
Content strategy
For more complex websites, the content strategy is an essential component of the conceptualisation. A target user group analysis is performed, topics and tonality are defined and it is determined which content should be created for the content-first approach
Content Model
The content model defines in abstract terms which types of content formats are intended, how they are related to each other and, if applicable, which content elements they are made up of.
Content Production
In the two previous phases, the content was still viewed in abstract terms. Content production is now specifically about creating actual content in accordance with the defined content model.