Mask Export and TYPO3 10 LTS
An Extension for more Simplicity
TYPO3 10 LTS was only released in mid-April and from the start hundreds of extensions were compatible with the current version. This is great and shows the positive effect of a release cycle which allows developers to try out new features and adapt their existing code early on.
Of course some extensions are for understandable reasons much too complex and interfere too much with the TYPO3 core to be migrated to the new version "just like that". Here it takes some time and a lot of work - and that mostly unpaid and voluntary.
One such extension is mask_export by Nicole Cordes, which makes it easy to transfer content elements created with mask into a separate extension. This significantly minimizes the complexity on the live system. And what more can a developer want?
(updated on 23.06.2020)
Extensions from and for the Community
Nicole's work together with the mask extension has saved countless hours of development work not only for us at F7, but certainly for many other agencies and freelancers. Even though we no longer use mask (and therefore unfortunately also mask_export) for flexibility reasons in new customer projects, we still wanted to pay tribute to Nicole's tireless work. Therefore we recently decided to sponsor her one day of work for the further development of mask_export, so that her great extension is available for TYPO3 10 LTS in a timely manner and as many existing projects as possible can be updated to the latest version of TYPO3.
The dedicated community is still one of the strongest pillars in the TYPO3 universe. A wide range of different extensions is provided free of charge, a "paywall" for extensions, as it is normal elsewhere, finds only few supporters.
Besides our team, it is developers like Nicole who make our success possible with their work. Many thanks for that!