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Remote work in medical school

As a medical student, I often face long and demanding days, both at university and in practice. Nevertheless, I started working for a company from Hamburg during my studies in Giessen. More specifically, I work as a backend editor in the Content team at F7 - completely remotely. Thanks to the flexible way of working, the distance doesn't matter.

Most students know how difficult it is to cover all living costs with BAföG alone. At the same time, a part-time job should not interfere with your studies. That's exactly what I found at F7: a flexible remote job that allows me to adapt my work perfectly to my timetable, internships and exam phases.

On some days I can study more intensively for my degree, on others I can concentrate more on my tasks at F7. Flexibility here means that I can use my most productive phases specifically for the tasks that are particularly important at the time.

This not only leaves me enough time to study, but also enough energy for leisure and sport - a balance that is extremely important to me.

My induction took place via screen transmission. Especially at the beginning, it was helpful that I could fall back on colleagues in Slack at any time, as smaller questions kept coming up. Of course, on-site training would probably have been easier and quicker, but it worked well that way too. Over time, the work became routine. To make it easier for new colleagues - especially those who may also be working remotely - to get started, we have now created instructions in the internal documentation tool.

It's refreshing that my work as a backend editor is completely unrelated to my medical studies. While my studies revolve around medical topics, clinical cases, and intensive learning phases, my work provides a much-needed change of pace. Sometimes, it even gives me the chance to switch off and recharge. These are often the moments around 8 p.m., when I sit down at my desk again to complete one last task.

Of course, combining studying with working remotely also comes with challenges. 
Self-discipline is essential for organizing both efficiently. In addition, I sometimes miss the personal exchange with colleagues, as it happens almost exclusively virtually. 

It becomes particularly challenging when many tasks are due at F7 at the same time during the exam phases. In such times, close coordination with the team is crucial to set priorities and distribute tasks sensibly, ensuring that neither my studies nor my work are neglected. 

So far, I have been able to find suitable solutions with F7 for all the challenges I have encountered. This makes working remotely a truly enriching experience for me.