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TYPO3 in the public sector

We support public authorities, institutes and educational institutions in efficiently implementing their digital projects - with TYPO3, the proven open source CMS solution that is tailored to the special requirements of the public sector.

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Why TYPO3 in the public Sector?

TYPO3 is firmly established in the public sector. The system impresses with a wide range of features that make it the ideal platform. The decisive advantages:

  • Cost efficiency and pre­dict­ab­il­ity

    TYPO3 is a licence-free open source system. Thanks to the official TYPO3 development roadmap , updates can be reliably planned and calculated. The F7 UpgradeFlat offers additional cost security.

  • Security

    TYPO3 is a very secure and robust CMS. Typical security requirements for IT systems in public use can be realised perfectly. The system is the ideal basis for BSI / GDPR-compliant software projects.

  • Clearly structured Backend

    We optimise the TYPO3 backend specifically for your workflows for content creation and editing. This increases acceptance of the system and significantly simplifies collaboration between large editorial teams.

  • Rights Management

    TYPO3 offers outstanding rights and user management. Precise, fine-grained access control and user-friendly administration guarantee optimum security, traceability and efficiency in the backend.

  • Ex­tens­ib­il­ity

    Thanks to its modular architecture, TYPO3 can be easily extended. Specific requirements and functions can be neatly encapsulated in so-called extensions and integrated into the CMS.

  • Scalability

    TYPO3 is very scalable - vertically and horizontally. Projects of any size can be realised efficiently and changes can be responded to quickly.

  • Performance

    Thanks to the efficient architecture and intelligent caching solutions, even complex websites load quickly. This ensures a high level of user satisfaction and contributes to the good ranking of your website.

  • Multi-do­main System

    With TYPO3, several websites can be managed efficiently in one centralised system. Standardised basic website setups can be rolled out quickly and cost-effectively.


For projects in the public sector, a major focus is on accessibility. Specific legal requirements must be met here.

We ensure optimal accessibility of your content for all users. We strictly follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines - WCAG 2.2 in levels A and AA as well as the German equivalent of the Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung - BITV 2.0.

We guarantee the utmost care in all project phases: From the conception of accessible colour design and typography to the implementation of semantic HTMLs for intuitive operation and comprehensive quality assurance through simulation tests and automated test procedures. To support editorial teams, we provide helpful editorial tips and tools in the TYPO3 backend.

Find out more

Government Site Builder 11

The Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home is pushing ahead with the IT consolidation of the federal government and, as part of this, has decided to implement the Government Site Bilder in Version 11 (GSB11) on the base of the open source framework and CMS TYPO3.

TYPO3 has been the most frequently chosen system solution for public projects for many years. This decision once again emphasises the importance of TYPO3 for this sector and makes the system the standard for all projects of this kind.

Your Partner

Realising projects for the public sector requires experience and sound expertise.

To ensure your success, we analyse your structure and needs and adapt ourselves as a service provider. Our agile teams specialise in responding flexibly to customer structures to ensure a successful project.

Your Advantages

  • Customer Orientation

    Our focus is on individual requirements and customised solutions that contribute to your success. That's why we are your reliable partner!

  • Full-ser­vice Partner

    We cover the entire range of services, from project launch and implementation to ongoing technical maintenance and content support.

  • Agile way of working

    Our teams are self-organised. Our work processes are based on Scrum. This allows us to react flexibly and offer cost-efficient and sustainable solutions.

  • In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary Teams

    Our project teams are interdisciplinary and work closely connected together. This enables us to guarantee that all specialist areas are integrated into a project from the outset and that first-class solutions are created.

  • Quality Assurance

    Quality assurance based on the dual control principle is firmly integrated into our workflows. We also rely on automated testing to ensure long-term accuracy.

  • Tech Stack

    We rely on proven standards and modern technology. We always keep our finger on the pulse and are constantly evolving. Read more about our tech stack in our blog.

Your TYPO3 Partner for the public Sector

Contact us now for a customised solution that will take your business forward.

Get in touch now

Sample Projects

We have already realised numerous projects for institutes, authorities and other public institutions and successfully demonstrated our skills.

Here we present a small selection of such projects to give you an impression of our work.

All references 

Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung

Staatsin­sti­tut für Schulqual­ität und Bildungs­forschung

Public SectorTYPO3

Bernhard-Nocht-In­sti­tut für Tropen­med­iz­in
HealthPublic SectorTYPO3