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The Enterprise CMS: TYPO3

We have the necessary expertise to realise extensive enterprise websites. With sound expertise, experience and a highly qualified team, we can realise your business solution!

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The Quasi-Stand­ard

As a flexible content management solution, the TYPO3 system offers you reliability and security, long-term support and predictability as well as excellent performance with simultaneous individualisation and scalability.

In the field of open source CMS, TYPO3 has established itself as the quasi-standard for enterprise systems.

Enterprise Ready

TYPO3 convinces with a variety of features and characteristics and is therefore the optimal choice for use in corporate and group environments.

  • Cost efficiency & Pre­dict­ab­il­ity

    TYPO3 is a licence-free open source system. Thanks to the official TYPO3 development roadmap , updates can be reliably planned and calculated. The F7 UpgradeFlat offers additional cost security.

  • Security & Compliance

    TYPO3 is a very secure and robust CMS with its own security team. Group standards for IT security are therefore easy to realise. The system is the ideal foundation for the GDPR-compliant implementation of software projects.

  • In­ter­na­tion­al­iz­a­tion

    Multilingualism is an integral part of TYPO3. The front and backend can be used in multiple languages. Comprehensive internationalisation functions enable a global presence and effectively support your reach.

  • User Acceptance

    The aim of an enterprise CMS must be to enable editors to maintain content quickly and easily. Our systems impress with their intuitive usability, clear structures and clean workflows.

  • Rights Management

    TYPO3 offers outstanding rights and user management. Precise, fine-grained access control and user-friendly administration guarantee optimum security, traceability and efficiency in the backend.

  • Sys­temin­teg­ra­tion

    Thanks to its clean data architecture and structured design, TYPO3 is ideally suited for integration into digital eco-systems and communication with other IT systems: From SSO to CRM through to connection to production processes (e.g. via SAP).

  • Ex­tens­ib­il­ity

    Thanks to its modular architecture, TYPO3 can be easily extended. Specific requirements and functions can be neatly encapsulated in so-called extensions and integrated into the CMS.

  • Multi-Do­main System

    With TYPO3, several websites can be managed efficiently in one system. This ensures CI conformity, centralises and standardises information and thus optimises the brand presence while saving costs at the same time.

Your Partner

The design and realisation of complex enterprise platforms requires sound expertise.

Above all, it is important to bring the key stakeholders together in order to pool knowledge and requirements from all areas of the company and use them to realise the project.

We love this challenge, have the necessary expertise and will lead your project to success. 

What sets Us apart

  • Customer Orientation

    Our focus is on understanding your needs and developing customised solutions that contribute to your success. We are your reliable partner!

  • Full-Ser­vice Partner

    We cover the entire range of services, from project launch and realisation to ongoing technical maintenance and content support.

  • Agile Way of Working

    Our Teams operate self-organised. Our work processes are based on Scrum. This allows us to react flexibly and offer cost-efficient and sustainable solutions.

  • In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary Teams

    Our project teams are interdisciplinary and work closely together. In this way, we ensure that all specialist areas are integrated into a project from the outset and produce first-class solutions.

  • Quality Assurance

    Quality assurance based on the dual control principle is firmly integrated into our workflows. We also rely on automated testing to ensure long-term accuracy.

  • Tech Stack

    We offer proven standards and modern technology. We always keep our finger on the pulse and are constantly evolving. Find out more about our Teck stack in our blog.

Excellent Networking

Our developers are certified TYPO3 experts and part of the TYPO3 community. We are a TYPO3 Solution-Partner and maintain close relationships with TYPO3 GmbH.

As a result, we are well informed about all developments. As a TYPO3 Association Member , we are actively involved in shaping developments.


A selection of our enterprise systems successfully realised with TYPO3



[Translate to English:]

Un­ternehmens­gruppe Theo Müller


DERMALOG Iden­ti­fic­a­tion Systems GmbH

Your TYPO3 Enterprise-Partner

Contact us now for a customised solution that will drive your business forward.

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